Volume 08, №3' 2013
Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, Poltava, Ukraine
3 - 7
The mechanisms of marital deadaptation and their significance for deteriorating the quality of life at neurasthenia in women were investigated using comprehensive survey of 77 couples including clinical and psychodiagnostic, psychological and sociological studies. The state of sexual level in women was determined using V.V. Krishtal's method, the type of sexual constitution using I.L. Botneva's technique, the quality of life by J. Mezzich. The findings of the investigation suggest that the indices of spouse adaptation and marital happiness at sexual erotic and constitutional forms of deadaptation are higher than at communicative form and to a greater extent result in actualization of interpersonal conflict in women. Disorders of secondary sexual dysfunction occurring at neurasthenia and marital deadaptation significantly reduce the level of marital happiness and quality of life. The obtained findings should be considered in psychocorrective measures in women with neurasthenia.
Key words: neurasthenia, marital deadaptation, sexual dysfunction, quality of life.
Kharkiv Regional Clinical Narcology Hospital
Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin, Ukraine 8 - 13
To investigate sex-role characteristics of women with alcohol addiction, 66 women with alcohol addiction (45 with F10.200 diagnosis and 21 with F10.201 diagnosis by ICD-10 criteria) were examined. The addiction was objectified with the "Complex assessment of addictive status of the individual and population with the help of AUDIT-like tests system". "Diagnostic method of cross-sex accentuation of sex-role behavior" by B.E. Alexeyev was used to study of sex-role characteristics. The study demonstrated that sex-role deviation reflecting disharmony of psychosexual development was very common in women addicted to alcohol. The number of individuals with deviant sex-role stereotypes of behavior in the studied cohort reached 75.76%. Among the individuals with deviant sex-role stereotypes of behavior the women with transformation of sex-role behavior (p <0.001) were dominant. It was revealed that alcohol significantly modified sexual behavior of women with addiction and sex-role deviations, formed abnormal sexual behavior pattern, in which orgasm and full psychosexual satisfaction with the sexual partner became possible only in case of precoital alcoholisation.
Key words: sex-role behavior, sex-role stereotypes deviation, women, alcohol addiction.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine
14 - 19
The authors present the technique of motivational training in the system of psychotherapeutic correction of family health disorders at psychosexual development retardation (PDR) in men. The study involved 53 men with PDR in married couples and 20 unmarried men with established signs of PDR in childhood and adolescence by profound history taking. The family health, sexual function and sexual adaptation, types of sexual motivation, motives of sexual intercourse were determined by V.V. Krystal. Psychotherapy eliminated the signs of neurotic disorders in 70.2% of unmarried men with PDR, 65.9% of patients started having sex again. The indices of sexual function, family health parameters and sexual adaptation improved in the majority of married men. The use of the technique of motivation training in the system of psychocorrection resulted in high therapeutic effect in men with PDR.
Key words: psychosexual development retardation, men, sexual behavior, motivation, motivational training.
Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko
Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital named after M.I. Pirogov, Ukraine 20 - 24
Forty patients with high complicated myopathy, glaucoma, retinal dystrophy and 35 patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer were investigated at Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital named after M.I. Pirogov with the purpose to reveal the peculiarities of internal picture of the disease (IPD) in patients with acquired diseases of the vision. The following techniques were used: Personality Questionnaire of Bekhterev Institute, Social and Psychological Adaptation by K. Rogers, and R. Dimond, Character Accentuation by K. Leongard, Psychological Protection by Kellerman-Plutchik. The types of attitudes to disease, indices of social adaptation, character accentuation and psychological protection mechanisms were studied. The obtained findings allowed to formulate the structure of IPD in patients with acquired diseases of the vision (harmonic, ergopathic and sensitive types prevailed) and to establish its difference from that in patents with gastric and duodenal ulcer, to distinguish the blocks of adaptive and deadaptive types of IPD, reveale age-depended differences of the types of IPD and social personality parameters of the patients with acquired disease of vision. The further investigation of IPD in these patients can promote better social psychological adaptation.
Key words: internal picture of the disease, types of attitude to the disease, acquired diseases of vision.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine
25 - 28
Personality characteristics of 100 patients who underwent reconstructive-restorative surgery (RRS) on the hand were investigated. Estimation of personal characteristics and condition of the emotional sphere was performed using accentuation of personality questionnaire by Leonhard-Shmishek; rating scale of forms of aggression by Buss-Durkey; rating scale of personal and reactive anxiety by Spielberger-Hanin. The analysis of the data revealed correlation between the types of accentuation of personality with moderate level of anxiety and normal level of aggression index in this group of patients. The increased level of hostility in the investigated group is, in turn, the result of marked reactive anxiety in these conditions. The results of the analysis of data obtained in the study of personality conditions. The obtained findings can be used to develop a complex system of medical psychological correction of situation induced reaction of psychological deadaptation and adaptation disorders in patients who underwent reconstructive-restorative surgery on the hand.
Key words: reconstructive surgery on the hand, psychological deadaptation, personality characteristics.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine
29 - 33
Personality characteristics, anxiety levels, types of attitude to the disease were investigated in 240 women with infertility at their participation in a program of in vitro fertilization (IVF). All patients were divided into two equal groups: group 1 the women who underwent medical psychological rehabilitation, group 2 those without medical psychological management. The following psychodiagnostic techniques were used: MMPI technique adapted by F.B. Berezin and M.P. Miroshnikov, self-esteem assessment by Dembo-Rubinstein, determining the level of reactive and personal anxiety by Spielberger-Hanin, determining the type of attitude to the disease. Three variants of weighted personality profile, eight types of attitude to the disease, the levels of situation and reactive anxiety, self-esteem were determined. The revealed regularities allowed to introduce to medical practice the system of medical psychological aid to the patients with reproductive disorders participating in IVF program.
Key words: infertility, in vitro fertilization, personality characteristics, types of attitude to the disease, reactive and personality anxiety, self-esteem.
Ukrainian Research Institute of Social and Forensic Psychiatry and Narcology (Ministry of Health of Ukraine), Kyiv
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine 34 - 41
One hundred and sixteen students of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" and Kyiv National University of Technology and Design were investigated with the purpose to study the prevalence and analyze the structure of addictive behavior in students of a megapolis. AUDIT-like tests were used to determine the disorders associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco, psychostimulants, addiction to the Internet, sex and food. The analysis of the obtained findings demonstrated that addictive strategies of interaction with the reality expands therefore the problem of psychoprevention and psychocorrection of the behavior of young people is urgent and requires the use of measures to its solution.
Key words: addictive behavior, young students, addictions.
Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
42 - 45
The author presents the original system of psychocorrection consisting of several stages tested on 100 adolescents with computer addiction. Special attention was paid to motivation therapy administered in stages using a special program including interviewing, rational and personality oriented psychotherapy, emotional volition training, self-suggestion. This resulted in complete elimination of computer addiction in all adolescents. Relapses occurred in one year in 7 patients, in 2 years only in 3. Thus, together with pharmacotherapy, motivation training including overcoming anosognosic attitude to addiction, forming stable motivation of refusal from addictive behavior, proper motivation therapy is an effective method of psychocorrection of computer addiction.
Key words: computer addiction, adolescents, motivational training.
Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin, Ukraine
46 - 50
Non-suicidal self-damages clinically and psychopathologically differ from other types of autoaggression, which justifies their investigation as a separate phenomenon. In order to study phenomenology of non-suicidal self-damages in regional subpopulation of persons with personality disorders, 68 persons with personality disorders (PD) (main group) and 36 patients with schizophrenia (group of comparison) with different self-damages of not occasional character were investigated. The group of comparison was formed to reveal differences between self-damages of non-psychotic and psychotic origin. The main methods of investigation were clinical-psychopathological and methods of mathematic statistics. Main types of non-suicidal self-damages in PD were distinguished based on a unified approach. The analysis of phenomenology of self-damages was performed: autodestructive actions were systematized by the degree of severity, the definite types of self-damages and methods of their execution were described. The regularities of phenomenology of non-suicidal self-damages in different types of PD were determined. The established regularities were used in distinguishing the indices of risk of non-suicidal autodestructive actions in regional population of persons with PD, and also in development of correspondent preventive programs.
Key words: personality disorders, phenomenology, non-suicidal self-injury.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine
51 - 56
According to the official statistics, 1.9% of Ukrainian children suffer from psychoneulogical illnesses. The first place is occupied by disorders of the central nervous system (48.9%) with the child cerebral palsy (CCP) prevalence. The study involved 69 patients aged 4-7 with CCP examined during 1 year. Clinical and psychological examination was performed. Complex psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy correction, rehabilitation and abilitation system were developed. Pharmacology correction included Sertraline, Thioridazine, hydroclorphenyl amynobuthyracyd (Noophen) and herbal sedatives. The psychotherapy was multimodally based and consisted of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, game psychotherapy relaxation, family therapy. The system was realized in three stages. At stage 1 (compliance) sedative medications and relaxation psychotherapy were administered. Stage 2 (basic) consisted of pharmacotherapy and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Stage 3 (abilitation) included pharmacotherapy, psychological and family assessment. After the treatment asthenic signs reduced as well as psychosomatic ones. Furies, anxiety and objectivities were absent as well as other emotional disturbances and opposition behavior. Testing the treatment, rehabilitation and abilitation system demonstrated its high efficacy, increased social functional level and decreased cognitive deficiency and behavior deviation in all CCP children.
Key words: cerebral palsy, mental disorders, psychotherapy, habilitation.
Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine
56 - 62
The article covers the findings of the study of emotional disorders in psychosomatic disorders in 956 young people with bronchial asthma, gastric and duodenal ulcer, hypertension as well as principles of differentiated treatment in the structure of an integrated system of treatment and psychological rehabilitation. General principles of pathogenesis based psychotherapy were formulated. The system of psychotherapeutic correction and medical social rehabilitation of patients with psychosomatic diseases, the effectiveness of which was confirmed by follow-up, was substantiated, developed and introduced to the practice. The results show the effectiveness of the system of treatment and rehabilitation of young patients with peptic ulcer, asthma, hypertension.
Key words: psychosomatic disorders, emotional disorders, depressive disorders, anxiety-phobic disorders, personality features, alexithymia, prognostic ability, aggressiveness, prognosis, psyhotherapy, medical-psychological rehabilitation.
Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine
63 - 66
This work investigates the impact of second-generation antipsychotics on the quality of life of patients with paranoid schizophrenia and abdominal obesity. With the aim of correction of undesirable psychological effects of the therapy the authors suggest the use of psychoeducational programs, including attention to the features of the components of quality of life and social adaptation, including a negative impact on patients' compliance. The results showed the effectiveness of psychoeducational programs for female patients with paranoid schizophrenia and concomitant abdominal obesity, considering the features of the components of the quality of life.
Key words: paranoid schizophrenia, abdominal obesity, psychoeducational program.
Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Narcology (NAMS of Ukraine), Kharkiv, Ukraine
67 - 81
The purpose of the work was to analyze modifications of alcohol use pattern and attitude to it under the influence of treatment in persons with alcohol addiction resistant to therapy. The study was carried out in three groups of patients receiving one of three variants of treatment: Disulfiram or Cyanamide in a combination with psychosocial support by BRENDA technology and psychosocial support only. TLEB (Timeline Follow Back) technique; Almashi-Drboglava scale; AIDIT test, Cherednichenko-Altshuler glossary were used to study alcoholization pattern and its modification in the result of the treatment. Specific quantitative and qualitative changes in the pattern of alcohol consumption and associated with this disorders as well as the dynamics of morbid attraction for ethanol under the influence of prolonged sensitizing treatment are described. The author concludes about equivalence of daily administration of sensitizing drugs and their reception on demand.
Key words: alcohol addiction, sensitizing drugs, positive therapeutic effects.
Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Narcology (NAMS of Ukraine), Kharkiv, Ukraine
82 - 86
A comparative study of laboratory tests of blood, urine samples, and electrocardiograms (ECG) was performed. The findings of examination of former military personnel and civilians with alcohol addiction were analyzed. It was established that the majority of former military personnel had ECG signs of cardiomyopathy while civilians do not demonstrated such incidence of this pathology. Clinical blood parameters were comparable. The amount and ratio of transaminases (de Ritis coefficient) in the blood of former military personnel indicate the prevalence of liver diseases, in civilians - mixed location of the pathological process. Urine tests showed the prevalence of inflammation in the genitourinary system of civilians. Consideration of the obtained findings will allow to increase the accuracy of the diagnosis and to specify the treatment of former military personnel with alcohol addiction.
Key words: alcohol addiction, former military personnel, civil patients, paraclinical studies.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine
87 - 92
The authors report the findings of investigation of psychoemotional state, organization of sexual behavior in 109 patients with chronic prostatitis (CP): 73 couples in which CP was diagnosed, 27 couples, in which the men had clinical manifestations of CP without clinical signs of development married deadaptation (MD). Nine men were not married at the time of the investigation. The revealed disorders of common, interpersonal and sexual communication in men with chronic prostatitis resulted from a constellation of psychopathological, pathopsychological and negative sociopsychological factors. The prevailing type of sexual dysfunction in men with CP was erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual satisfaction. Non-functional types of marriage prevailed in the families of men with CP. The received findings allow to improve treatment and rehabilitation process as well as the quality of medical psychological aid to the patients with CP.
Key words: chronic prostatitis, mental state, personality orientation, psychosexual types, sexual behavior, sexual fantasies.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine
92 - 96
The purpose of the work was to determine the mechanisms of development of health disorders, family function, marital spouse deadaptation in the families with excretory toxic and secretory infertility in men based on systemic approach to investigation of sexual behavior motivations, typology of marriage, methods of resolving family conflicts, patterns of violations of interpersonal, partner communication. The study involved 130 men with inflammatory diseases, excretory toxic and secretory infertility. The state of the family function and the degree of violations were determined using questionnaire by V.V. Krishtal, I. A. Semenkina, motivation of sexual behavior by classification of V.V. Krishtal, typology of marriage was determined by classification of V.V. Krishtal, V.Z. Kuzmenko, ways of settlement of family conflicts by the method of ȮӮmas modified by N.V. Grishina. The findings of the investigation showed that in the married (partnership) couples in men with excretory toxic, secretory infertility, deadaptation models of formation of sexual behavior, disharmonious or pseudoharmonious types of marriage, irrational ways of the conflict resolution were present, which required development of effective system for medical sanitary management and psychocorrection..
Key words: inflammatory diseases of male reproductive system, excretory-toxic, secretory infertility, family functions, types of marriage, sexual behavior, motivation, motive.
Zaporozhye Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Ministry of Health of Ukraine), Ukraine
97 - 103
The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cognitive disturbances were investigated in 50 elderly and old patients without cognitive disorders, 70 with subcortical vascular mild cognitive disorders (SVMCD) and in 69 with subcortical vascular dementia (SVD). Initial stages of SVD-SVMSD and early stages of SVD differed by gradual progression of specific neuropsychological syndrome-complex, based on increasing loss of attention processes, specific dysmnesia as a violation of active recall of verbal information with relative preservation of its recognition, disorders of the kinetic and regulatory praxis, reduced ability to abstraction and implementation of multi-stage operations, minimal manifestations of efferent motor aphasia. The above combination of neuropsychological disorders reflects a progressive disorder of the frontal-subcortical portions of the brain as a result of microvascular process.
Key words: subcortical vascular dementia, subcortical mild cognitive decline, neuropsychological disorders.
Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
104 - 107
The manifestations of alexithymia as a factor of development of psychosomatic disease in patients with acne are described. Experimental psychological investigation with Toronto Alexithymia Scale revealed a high level of alexithymia in the majority of 20 female patients. They were characterized by a limited ability to perception of the own feelings and emotions, their adequate verbalization, expressive transmission. The traditional forms are not effective in correction of alexithymia, new approaches are necessary. Group correction should consist of three stages: relaxation and didactic character, the use of non-verbal means of communication, inner dialogue actualization. Relaxation techniques include autogenic training, music therapy, psychogymnastic methods. Effective use of the suggested techniques of psychocorrection can promote improvement of the psychoemotional state of female patients with acne, improvement of the quality of life.
Key words: psychosomatic, alexithymia, acne.
Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
108 - 111
Complex experimental psychological examination of 20 patients with psoriasis and 20 healthy subjects (the controls) was performed with the purpose to study specific deadaptation characteristics in patients with psoriasis. Anxiety level was determined using Spielberger-Hanin questionnaire, its degree was assessed using Beck's scale. The findings of the investigation prove that the patients with psoriasis demonstrate social deadaptation, with the most prominent signs of increased level of situation and personality anxiety, depressive tendencies. The performed analysis suggests about the necessity of psychological aid to the patients with psoriasis.
Key words: adaptation, deadaptation, stress, psoriasis, anxiety, depression.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
112 - 116
This article analyzes the historical facts, which served as the factors of organization and establishment of the first psychotherapy department in the world, which was opened in 1962 at Ukrainian Institute of Advanced Medical Training (now Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education). The problems of the first developments of psychological and physiological bases of psychotherapy in Kharkiv are featured. The experience of various luminaries of Kharkiv school of psychotherapy is described. The vectors of the department work at present are presented.
Key words: history of medicine, psychotherapy department, first investigations, Kharkiv school of psychotherapy, postgraduate education, current activities of the department.