Volume 09, №3' 2014
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kyiv City Clinical Cancer Center, Kyiv, Ukraine Regional Clinical Hospital for Children No.1, Kharkiv, Ukraine 3 - 6
Today the incidence of malignant tumors is one of the most important medical, psychological and social problems in Ukraine. Various psychological changes can occur in cancer patients at any stage of the treatment process. Unclear psychological aspects can have a negative impact on the medical staff resulting in reduction in the quality of care for the patients and psychotrauma. The basis of effective medical and psychological assistance systems will be formed in the result of analysis of conceptual aspects of interaction between cancer patients and health workers at all stages of the treatment process, while maintaining an adequate therapeutic alliance, facilitating clinical and psychological adaptation of the patients and professional staff adaptation. Complex multi−level system of psychoeducation, psychocorrection and training measures will be an important component of improving the efficiency of the treatment process.
Key words: medical psychology, cancer patients, healing process.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
7 - 12
Introduction to clinical practice of effective methods of diagnosis and correction of family health disorders is an important problem of medical psychology and sexology. Preservation of the family depends on paired character of sexual function and personality characteristics of each of the spouses, the relationship between all members of the family. In order to study the state of the family in which the woman has neurasthenia, 52 couples with primary sexual and primary psychosocial deadaptation of the spouses were investigated. The study was performed from the perspective of systemic approach. Comprehensive clinical and psychological examination aimed at examining personality dispositions in spouses as well as psychodiagnosis, establishing the relationship of personality characteristics of patients, the motives for marriage, the causes of conflict, and sociological ones, revealing the strength of family relationships, were performed. Based on these data, 84.6 % of the investigated families were classified as deadaptive. The revealed family health disorders were due to psychocharacter peculiarities of women with neurasthenia, mismatch of psychosexual types of the spouses, negative attitude of children to the parents. The results of the systematic structural analysis showed involvement of psychological and mental component of biological components. This should be considered when conducting psychological correction.
Key words: neurasthenia, women, psychosexual types, marital conflict, family health.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
13 - 16
The aim of the research was to determine the individual psychological characteristics of hypertensive and coronary heart disease patients as the basis for developing a sanogenetically based program of personal psychocorrection aimed at compliance improvement. The study involved 75 patients with arterial hypertension complicated by hypertensive crises, and 90 coronary artery disease (CAD) patients with angina attacks. Clinical psychopathological method with application of structured diagnostic interview, questionnaires, psychodiagnostic testing and mathematical analysis and statistics were used. It was found that efficacy of treatment for arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease depended on the degree of compliance and, therefore, it is necessary to determine the level of compliance at the beginning of the treatment process. Compliance has a dynamic nature and can change in the course of treatment, thus it is important to monitor the level of compliance during the outpatient observation. Compliance is determined by such individual and psychological factors of patients as personality characteristics, locus of control, level of anxiety and level of responsibility in regard to health behavior. These parameters must be taken into account at formation of therapeutic alliance.
Key words: arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, compliance, psychotherapy.
D. Galitsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
17 - 21
The article covers the clinical and psychopathological aspects of neurocognitive deficiency in patients with resistant depression. To study cognitive functions, the following scales were used: MMSE −− Mini−Mental State Examination, Montreal Cognitive Scale, Trail Making Test, Verbal Fluency Test, Stroop Test (Stroop color word interference test). The most significant features were the changes of psychomotor parameters providing mental activity for patients with resistant depression, i.e. fluctuations in productivity, slowdown of mental processes. Significant functional impairment of voluntary attention with high level of distraction to external stimuli was present. Modal−nonspecific disorders of short−term memory were typical. Qualitative characteristics of cognitive disorders in patients with resistant depression showed heterogeneity in their structure and dependence on the psychopathological variant of depressive syndromes. Agitated clinical variant of resistant depression was accompanied by significant complications during the tasks performing, increase in the number of errors, violation of psychomotor coordination, visual−spatial function and long−term memory. Asthenic clinical variant was characterized by inhibition of the rate of mental activity, inertia and desertion of mental processes in violation of stability and decrease in concentration, as well as reduction of both short−term and long−term memory. In apathic−adynamic clinical variant of resistant depression phenomenology was characterized by severe cognitive deficiency, psychomotor inhibition, loss of ability to experience pleasure, reduced motivation, and difficulty in concentrating and making decisions, disorders of dynamic praxis, attention, visual−spatial disorders and memory functions.
Key words: treatment resistant depression, cognitive dysfunction, psychopathological characteristic.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
22 - 29
Urolithiasis is one of the most common urological diseases. When treating the patients with urolithiasis of one or solitary kidney, both the correct tactics of their management and analysis of mental and psychological reactions, evaluation of clinical and pathopsychological, individual psychological and psychosocial factors that contribute to development of deadaptive states are equally important. For this purpose, the patients of Urology Department of Donetsk Territorial Medical Association were examined using self−diagnostic methods, Beck Depression Inventory, Spielberger−Hanin self−esteem method, asthenia rating scale, etc. Comparative analysis of the association between clinical and pathopsychological, individual psychological and psychosocial features of the patients with urolithiasis of one or solitary kidney showed the importance of subjective factors in the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. The obtained findings were used to develop the measures of medical and psychological support of this category of patients.
Key words: urolithiasis, disease of one or single kidney, psychological deadaptation, quality of life, psychosocial factors, individual psychological characteristics, psychodiagnosis.
Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
30 - 32
The purpose of the work was to establish the relationship of cognitive, depressive, anxiety disorders and indicators of quality of life and the patient's age, stage, duration, form of the disease and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease and non−motor disorders with amantadine sulphate at a dose of 300 mg per day. The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease met the criteria of the British Brain Bank (1992), the stage of the disease was evaluated using the scale of Hoehn and Yahr (1967), the form of the disease was determined by the prevalence in the clinical picture of one of the components of motor disorders. Non−motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease were assessed using Mini−Mental State Examination (MMSE), Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the scale of quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease (PDQ−39). During the treatment the patients were divided into main and control group. The patients of the main group, in addition to basic therapy received amantadine sulphate (100 mg 3 times a day for 3 months). Neurological and neuropsychological assessment was performed on the first visit and 3 months later. In patients over 60 years (vs. the younger patients), deterioration of the frontal regulatory functions by 12.94 % was observed on FAB scale, general cognitive efficiency by 12.39 % on MMSE, the life quality by 16.39 % on PDQ−39 scale. The total MMSE score in patients with disease duration over 5 years was significantly higher than the results in the group with a shorter duration by 12.39 %, and on FAB scale exceeded that in the group with disease duration of 5 years by 10.4 %. Indicators of HADS, depression in the group with disease duration over 5 years reached 21.43 % vs. the other groups. Total score on the PDQ−39 was 25.78 % higher in the group with disease duration over 5 years. For the patients with stage 2 disease, MMSE results were significantly lower by 13.99 % vs. stage 1, and only at PD stages 3 and 4 this figure was the most pronounced, exceeding the average total MMSE score of patients with PD stage 2 by 9.44 and 13.99 %, respectively. FAB scale Indicators were 11.50 % lower in patients with PD stage 2 compared to stage 1, but at stage 3 the average score decreased by 9.44 % compared to stage 2, and was 5.02 % lower at stage 4 with respect to stage 3. The patients with akinetic−rigid form had significant deterioration by 11.07 % on MMSE scale and 16.63 % on FAB scale vs. the patients with trembling form. In patients with a mixed form according to MMSE scale, this figure was 2.86 % and by FAB scale it was 8.80 % lower with respect to the index of ARF patients. Mean values of quality of life in patients with akinetic−rigid and mixed forms were significantly higher by 32.25 % and 39.2 %, respectively, than in patients with trembling form. In the group treated with amantadine sulphate, increase of the total score according to MMSE scale was observed by 9.22 % and the score increase according to FAB scale by 11.79 %, reducing the total scores on subscales of HADS by 50 % and 42.3 %, respectively at the end of treatment. Improvement of quality of life due to amantadine sulphate administration was shown on PDQ−39 scale. Patients with Parkinson's disease were characterized with the presence of cognitive disorders (83 %), anxiety and depressive disorders (79 %). With the age, stage, duration of the disease non−motor disorders progressed with worsening of cognitive, anxiety and depressive symptoms and the level of quality of life. The most pronounced deterioration of non−motor symptoms were observed in patients with mixed and akinetic−rigid form of the disease. During a three−month treatment period amantadine sulphate greatly improved mnemonic processes, life quality and anxiety−depressive symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Key words: Parkinson's disease, non-motor disorders, amantadine sulfate.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
33 - 40
The work determined the degree of influence of satisfaction with family relationships on the changes in emotional state of women and components of personal sphere. The purpose of this phase of research was to identify the main factors influencing marriage satisfaction on the changes in the psychoemotional state of anxiety and fear, and the structure of personal sphere depending on the course of pregnancy. Seven questionnaires were used, questions and answers interpretation of which were logically linked with the main problem of the study and allowed to achieve its multi−component study. According to the obtained findings, the level of satisfaction with the marriage of pregnant women was not only connected with the pregnancy, but also the emotional state, how the women perceive their lives, to which extent they endowed its contents, have expressed life aspirations, clear goals and plans, and is a valuable priority for women, the distribution of roles and responsibilities in the family. Thus, the more satisfied are the pregnant with the marriage, feel emotional and moral support from the partner, the more they experience the emotions of joy and interest, the more valuable is love and happy family life, they intelligently directed and build their lives, have perspectives and goals for the future, respect and appreciate themselves.
Key words: complicated pregnancy course, satisfaction with family life, self-concept, psychoemotional sphere, family roles.
Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
40 - 43
The growth of addiction to psychoactive substances (PAS) and comorbid psychopathology has been observed in the 21st century. Affective disorders occupy the largest portion among comorbid addictive diseases. Establishment of the features of emotional disorders in patients with substance addiction can allow not only to tighten direct correctional measures to their relief, but also to achieve compliance to the treatment of addiction in general. The aim of the study was to identify and analyze clinical−psychological structure of emotional disorders in patients with multiple drug addiction (opioids, cannabinoids, alcohol, tobacco). The following methods were used: history taking, clinical−psychopathological, psychodiagnostic and statistical methods. The work allowed to determine clinical−psychological structure of emotional disorders in patients who consume PAS. Dissociation of emotions, distortion of emotional response and re−formation of the personality of patients due to defeat of the emotional sphere were revealed. Inadequately elevated mood against a background of its dissociation with other feelings was identified in all patients. The presence of ambivalency, provoked by surfactants (one−third of patients who consume PAS); loss of ability to identify adequately the vector of emotiveness (specific dissociation, distortion of perception adequate emotional state) were observed. Almost in half of the patients who consume PAS the feeling of guilt was supplemented by a sense of shame. All patients who consume PAS demonstrated a much higher level of trait anxiety against a background of a moderate level of state anxiety. This argues in favor of a chronic personal conflict and / or restructuring of the personality of patients who consume PAS in the direction of forming a "disturbing personality". Thus, it is possible to suggest specific drug−defect on the basis of emotional disorders, the structure of which, in addition to the formation of disturbing personality, includes specific emotional dissociation and distortion of perception of adequate emotional state.
Key words: addiction, poly-drug addiction, emotional disorders, psychoactive substances.
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
44 - 47
The authors performed theoretical synthesis and solved scientific problems consisting in investigation of psychological factors of self−regulation in alcohol addicted by means of the study of its structural components, such as emotional, strong−willed and self−regulation style. Self−regulation is a systematic process that provides adequate to the conditions variability, plasticity of life subject at any of its levels; self−regulation is seen as a systematic process that involves implementation of conscious intellectual, emotional, motor efforts to achieve the goal in the context of changing environment conditions. Self−regulation of alcohol addicted individuals is considered the system required for the regulation of structural and functional content of psychological characteristics that they have. Emotional self−regulation of alcohol addicted is associated with the experience of shame, loss of joy and the advent of fear. The changes in the patterns of emotional reactions are present in alcohol addicted: they are characterized by emotional traits of fear and shame, the pattern of joy is reduced. Due to formation of irregular patterns of fear and shame compensatory response arises. Volitional self−regulation in alcohol−dependent is manifested by reduced levels of volitional qualities. Against a background of alcohol dependence, volitional qualities that should be manifested in the ability of the individual to consciously control his psyche and actions in the decision−making process to achieve its goals are decreased. Stylistic self−regulation does not depend on the level of alcohol dependence. Only formation of some components of the style of self−importance becomes characteristic, such as "plan", "programming", "modeling" and "independence." Availability of data patterns indicates the need to form goals and plans to implement their balance for acquiring pleasure, which they are not able to get in everyday life.
Key words: personality self-regulation, alcohol addiction, volitional, stylistic, emotional self-regulation.
V. N. Karasin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
48 - 54
Psychological mechanisms of female femininity formation have evolved significantly. The psychosexual development investigation, in particular gender roles and behavioral stereotype characteristics, is motivated by the high prevalence of gender−role behavior deviations in modern populations of alcohol addicted women. Despite recognition of the problem clinically significant modifying effect of gender−role behavior in addictive behavior (as well as the problem of mutual influence), clinical and psychological aspects of deviant and pathologically altered gender−role behavior in individuals dependent on alcohol remain the least studied and developed. The aim of the research was to study masculinity and femininity indexes in alcohol addicted women with different types of gender roles and behavioral stereotype violation in a comparative perspective. Сlinical−psychopathological (main), psychodiagnostic, methods of mathematical statistics were used. According to the findings of the research of 88 alcohol addicted female patients (mean age 22.50±2.02 years) with the signs of deviated non−normative stereotypes of gender−role behavior according to medical criteria by G. S. Vasylchenko, V. M. Maslov, I. L. Botneva (1983) based on Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), four models of deviated gender−role behavior such as non−pathologic transformed, pathologic transformed, non−pathologic hyper−role, and pathologic hyper−role, were identified. Each of these behavioral patterns is relatively autonomic. The common feature of the identified gender−role models is their transsexuality, i.e. with underlying correct sexual identity (corresponding to the morphologic and civil female sex). High level of masculinity in women with transformations of gender−role behavior was supported by high scores according to the 5th masculinity−femininity scale (> 70 Т−points). High level of femininity in hyper−role women was supported by reduced and low scores according to the 5th masculinity−femininity scale (< 45 Т−points).
Key words: masculinity - femininity, women, alcohol addiction, sex-role behavior disorders of non-transsexual type.
Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Dergachi Central District Hospital, Kharkiv Region, Ukraine 55 - 59
The purpose of research was comparative analysis of psychodiagnostic characteristics of patients with alcohol addiction and psychodiagnostic characteristics of healthy individuals as well as selection of typical psychopathological spectrum of psychopathological changes as additional diagnostic markers of alcohol addiction. One hundred and forty two persons, of them 71 with alcohol addiction and 71 healthy subjects, were included in the study. The values of severity of present mental and behavioral disorders were quantified using Derogatіs' questionnaire; integrated assessment of addictive status was done using the system of AUDIT−like tests (including the test AUDIT). The data were processed by methods of mathematical statistics (dispersion analysis and calculation of coefficients and diagnostic measures of informativity according to Kullback). It was established that in the respondents with alcohol addiction, obligate presence of a number of psychopathological phenomena, mostly on subclinical level, were present. The indicators of detached scales of Derogatis' questionnaire could not be used as a pathognomonic sign of presence−absence of alcohol addiction. However, the scales, index of which in their combination could be reliable markers of the presence or absence of alcohol addiction, were determined. The diagnostic table created on the basis of the investigated psychodiagnostic characteristics can be an optional tool for diagnosis of alcohol addiction or rejection of this diagnosis, which can be a useful technique in clinical practice.
Key words: alcohol addiction, psychodiagnostic characteristics, markers, diagnosis.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
59 - 63
Oral diseases are considered a group of the most common pathologies in children. The majority of risk factors for dental pathology are associated with lifestyle, including low motivation to prevent and treat its early stages. The most important for the health of the oral cavity components of lifestyle are competent and thorough hygienic oral care, sensible diet and nutrition regimen, access to a doctor for consultation and participation in the preventive measures proposed by dentists, speech therapists, clinical psychologists. Hygienic education of children is a system of development of useful skills on the basis of the knowledge of the rules of a healthy lifestyle and belief in the necessity of compliance. Given the importance of psychological preparation of parents and children to difficult and painful procedures of oral treatment in children of different age groups, the study used the experience of clinical psychologists in assessment of personality characteristics of parents by the method of Dembo−Rubinstein and the type of attitude to the disease. The obtained findings suggest that disharmonious attitude to the types of oral diseases in the child were present in the majority of parents with unsatisfactory results of health education. Main forms of health education in school are interviews with children, health lessons conducted depending on the age group. Creation and introduction of new forms of dental health education, motivational projects, taking into account the serious features associated with psychology and social status of children, meeting the requirements of psychology and education science, are extremely important. These projects give the opportunity to develop cognitive behavior that would eliminate as much as possible the risk factors of various diseases of the oral cavity and would ensure preservation of dental health in schoolchildren.
Key words: prevention work, health education, age groups, interns, clinical psychologist, groups of children.
Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
64 - 70
The problem of psychiatric comorbidity is particularly significant due to the increased incidence of mental pathology in comorbidity structure. There is a need for diagnostic criteria for depression comorbid with other mental disorders, and creation on their basis of therapeutic programs. For this purpose, 189 patients with comorbid depressive disorders were investigated. The comprehensive study included clinical psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods using standard questionnaires and scales. The analysis of the findings allowed to establish etiopathogenetic, clinical−psychopathological and pathopsychic features of formation and course of depression with comorbid mental disorders, which served as targets for development of the program of system−oriented differential therapy. Testing of the system of treatment indicates that it not only reduced the clinical symptoms of comorbid depression, but also improved sociopsychological adaptation of the patient and the quality of life and social functioning.
Key words: depression, comorbidity, anxious disorders, personality disorders, alcohol addiction, clinical psychopathological peculiarities, diagnostic criteria.
Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of NAMS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
71 - 77
An important place among psychotic states with affective pathology is occupied by schizoaffective disorder (SAD) defined as a non−progredient (non−progressive) affective−paranoid psychosis (in particular with remissions free from residual symptoms) with remitting course. It includes criteria for psychotic type of bipolar affective disorder (BAD) (but not limited to them), the undoubted symptoms of schizophrenia, except progression. The aim of the study was to consider the peculiarities of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of SAD with diseases of affective−paranoid spectrum. Clinical and phenomenological psychopathology (as a variant of the method of expert estimates) anamnestic−catamnestic, discursive, classification methods were used. The analysis of existing diagnostic criteria allowed formulating the concept of SAD. It was determined that in the majority of cases the disorder had a staged character. The disorder often acquired the features of schizophrenia, BAD or other disorders. On the contrary, during the long course of BAD, "enrichment" of the signs with incongruently and non−holothymic delusions was possible. Marked affective and paranoid character of attacks and high quality of remissions allowed to differentiate it from schizophrenia, schizophrenia−like disorder and post−schizophrenic depression. Also SAD had a typical stereotype of attacks. The attack began with affective disorders followed by acute sensory delusions, imaginative and fantastic delusions. The outcome of an attack occurred through regression of these symptoms. Positive response to therapy with the use of neuroleptics may indicate SAD or another psychosis. Disturbances of thinking also indicate schizophrenia and SAD. As opposed to BAD, this is evidenced by appearance of hallucinations, catatonic, oneiric and hebephrenic symptoms, psychosensory disorders. Non−pathognomonic and non−independent but frequent sign of SAD is incongruent content of delusional experiences to the affective pole. A more subtle peculiarity of the structure of delusional experiences in SAD is a discrepancy of delusional structure of affective (holothymic) mechanism of delusions. Depressive affection in SAD is not "pure", it is frequently accompanied by fear, significant anxiety, inner tension, confusion, despair, agitation. Mania symptoms were also more likely than in BAD accompanied by anger. It can be concluded that coordination among physicians about the concept of SAD, its psychopathology and dynamic features can enable effective diagnosis and differential diagnosis of this disease, and therefore correctly treatment.
Key words: affective paranoid states, schizoaffective disorder, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kharkiv Regional Clinical Psychiatry Hospital № 3, Kharkiv, Ukraine 78 - 80
Any disturbance of consent between adult family members or the wrong strategy of education becomes a stress factor which can lead to mental disorders in children. The purpose of the work was to investigate the relations between parents and children in families where mothers have depressive disorders of different origin. The study involved 428 children (198 boys and 230 girls) aged 7−18 from the families in which mother has a depression. 46.7 % of the children had emotional disorders and those of behavior beginning usually in childhood and adolescence. Psychodiagnostic examination of children was done with the purpose of studying their emotional relation to psychologically significant adults depending on the condition of education, personality features of the parents and nature of relationship in the family. The relationship of children in the family and at school was determined using questioning with R. Giles's projective technique. R. Giles's projective technique allowed us to define the nature of the relationship with psychologically significant people: mother, father, brothers and sisters, with the friend (girlfriend), the teacher, etc. It was revealed that negative attitude to the mother was present in 23.4 %, to both parents in 8.3 %, to the father in 71.5 %, to brothers and sisters in 12.3 %. Besides, negative self−rating was revealed in 27.4 % of the children. Research by means of a 12−factorial technique by R. B. Kettela and R. V. Koana allowed to distinguish the features testifying about psychological trouble and the factors reducing communication skills. The analysis of the indicators available in the children with emotional problems allowed to conclude that they were bound (р < 0.05) to the parents' personality features, mothers' depressive disorders and fathers' neurotization. The analysis of the causes of the negative attitude of the children to the parents established that most frequently (р < 0.05) it was associated with the mother's personality characteristics such as excitability, irritability, fieriness, touchiness, vulnerability, intolerance, hypochondria, aggression, egocentric behavior, obstinacy as well as isolation and autism. Negative attitude to the mother was frequently (р < 0.05) caused by rare communication with her. It was defined that in one (р < 0.05) of the surveyed families children did not receive harmonious, correct education. The majority of boys (62.5 %, р < 0,05) and 38.5 % of girls were brought up in the conditions of hypopatronage, emotional rejection and rigid relationship. The analysis of indicators allowed a conclusion that psychological problems occurring in children and disorders of behavior and emotions are associated with the wrong type of education and a family deadaptation as a result of mother's depressive disorder.
Key words: children, behavioural and emotional disorders, parents, depressive disorders, mothers.
Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
81 - 85
One of the fundamental functions of social psychiatry is to provide the most harmonious environment for mental adaptation of the individual, taking into account his mental training. It is known that one of the most common risk groups of deadaptation are employees of industrial enterprises. Included in the population of people of organized labor, they are often subject to personality−abnormal and behavioral changes in the workplace. In this regard, new ways of assessing the adaptive capacity of individuals with identified disorders of personality and behavior were proposed. Based on a comprehensive social demographic, medical and social, clinical psychopathology, psychodiagnostic subsphere analysis of the quality of life and social functioning, the targets of rehabilitation programs in further psychosocial support were determined. The most problematic aspects of life of individuals with disorders of personality and behavior depending on the psychoemotional characteristics were noted. Of the total spectrum of problem areas of quality of life and social functioning, the lowest rates abounded in physical sphere and environment. Overall assessment of quality of life demonstrated low figures for structural components of the biological component, social support, physical security, sense of security, material and financial resources. According to the results of the study, the leading factors of adaptation disorders of industrial workers with personality and behavior disorders are low self−esteem, pain, physical discomfort, changes in cognitive abilities, fatigue, overabundance of emotions, sex−related problems, limited entertainment, leisure, as well as inability to obtain health and social care.
Key words: quality of life, social functioning, industrial workers, personality and behavior disorders.
Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
86 - 89
Depressive disorders lead to social exclusion, disability, decreased quality of life, aggravate somatic diseases, are associated with suicidal conduct, act as risk factors for substance abuse. To study the laws of formation of pathopsychological depressive disorders in men, the patients with adaptation disorder, prolonged depressive reaction, affective disorder, depressive episode were examined. The control group included women with similar disorders. Characterological questionnaire by K. Leonhard−T. Shmishek, psychological gender assessment test by L. Repina, A. Bass−A.Darka questionnaire, method of studying value orientations by E. Fantalova were used. It was determined that major gender−related pathopsychological factors of depressive reactions in men were accentuated pedantic and tending to accentuation affective−rigid personality traits, personality traits of nondifferentiated psychological gender, high demand and low availability in the realization of the values of social viability. The identified pathopsychological factors and regularities of depressive disorders in men can be aimed at development of personalized gender−oriented programs of their therapy.
Key words: depressive disorders, gender-related pathopsychological factors, mechanisms of formation.
Territorial Medical Association "Psychiatry", Kyiv, Ukraine
90 - 94
The presence of a complicated system of pathogenetic mechanisms in psychopathological disorders belonging to different registers in the structure of cardiogenic pathology in elderly patients determines the formation of the individual and heterogeneous complex of psychiatric disorders in each case. Its study has a high degree of relevance in the modern clinical psychiatry. In order to determine the dynamics of modulation of disease−relation type, 100 elderly patients suffering from cardiogenic pathology (hypertension, coronary artery disease) and psychopathological disorders within the depressive−paranoid syndrome, which were in−patients of psychosomatic department No. 24 of TMA "Psychiatry" (Kyiv), were examined. Personality Inventory of Bekhterev's Institute (PIBI, 1983) was used. The obtained findings demonstrate the degree of reversibility of the background psychopathological disorders in the structure of each nosological form, as well as the efficacy of psychotherapeutic adjustment of the above psychopathological disorders.
Key words: depression, anxiety, psychotherapy, type of attitude to disease, psychopathology.
Donetsk Regional Center for Maternal and Child Health, Donetsk, Ukraine
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine 94 - 97
The article covers one of the most urgent problems of modern reproductive medicine and psychosexology practice, i.e. providing medical psychological assistance to families in which the man experiences infertility. Over the years, attempts to summarize the experience of psychotherapy and therapy of the couples with such disease, were limited to a purely rational androurological approach to the counseling. The families experiencing reproductive deprivation often tend to have build−up of conflicts, which increases the risk of breaking partnerships. Therefore, the author carried out interdisciplinary research, the purpose of which was to develop a system of psychological correction of family interaction disorders on the basis of inter− and intragroup analysis of the psychoemotional, sexual, personal and family characteristics of the couples. The tasks of developed psychosystem were to form a conscious motivation in psychocorrection; deactualization, leveling of psychogenic disorders as an inadequate response to a traumatic situation of infertility; correction of deadaptive personality manifestations; reorganization of the environment of family residence, stabilization of family relationships; creation of a psychological environment affecting the formation of socialized personality and behavioral characteristics; awareness and acceptance of a real−life perspective. The described eclectic of psychotherapeutic techniques constituted the main segment of correction of abounded practice of cognitive−behavioral, group, and family therapy with arrangement of psychoeducation. Evaluation of improving the quality of life of married couples was based on the influence of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of social adaptation, social functioning (interpersonal interaction in a pair, relationship with the family, community, and the organization of life at home).
Key words: family life disorders, married couples, infertility, men, psychological correction.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
98 - 101
Individuals with somatization disorder face numerous interpersonal problems characterized by extreme discomfort, specific forms of thinking and perception. Seemingly little interest in sexual contact, preoccupation with unreal events are typical for these patients. This has an impact on interpersonal relationships and leads to disorders of marital and social, interpersonal adaptation. Sixty−four patients were examined with the purpose to study the peculiarities, phase nature and stages of psychosexual development of women with somatization disorder. Clinical and psychopathological, special sexological, psychodiagnostic investigations were performed. The methods of systemic−structural analysis of sexual health of women with clinical signs of somatization disorder revealed a delay of their individual psychosexual development and formation of sexual behavior disorders. Within clinical ontological approach in the clinical practice of psychiatry, dynamic observation of children and adolescents with distinctive personal traits and inadequate behavior is recommended. This can allow timely psychocorrection to prevent development and consolidation of pathocharacterological personality traits and disorders of communication.
Key words: somatization disorder, psychosexual development, stages, phases, deviation of psychosexual development, motivation, sexual behavior.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
102 - 104
An important role in skin diseases, especially psoriasis, is played by individual features in formation of accentuated character traits, mental, behavioral, sexual disorders. Pronounced accentuation, the received general and sex education are an important psychological and microsocial parameters determining interpersonal relations. Seventy−five couples in which the men were diagnosed psoriasis were included in the study. The study of character accentuation in spouses according to G.Shmishek showed predominance of asthenic, psychasthenic demonstrative types. Despite the fact that accentuation is innate quality, a role in its severity is played by upbringing, which determines the person's ability to adapt. Poor adaptation often becomes one of the factors of psoriasis development. These studies indicate that in pustular form of the disease, the most common type of education was emotional rejection. Comparative analysis of the family state confirmed disorders of functional family relationships in psoriasis in men. In case of violation of intrafamily interaction, an unfavorable psychological, emotional background, which, in turn, creates the conditions for easing of stress−resistance of the personality, general and sexual behavior, possibly, psoriasis development, is possibly formed.
Key words: psoriasis, sexual education, character accentuation, family relations, mental and behavioral disorders.