Volume 09, №1' 2014
SI Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine, Kharkiv
3 - 9
Eighty-six persons were investigated to determine clinical-psychopatholgical characteristics of the patients in the depressive phase of bipolar affective disorder with a pronounced suicide risk. Clinical psychopathological method in combination with Hamilton depression scale, self-esteem of the degree of autoagressive predictors and suicidal risk were used. Suicidal behavior of psychopathological, situational and mixed origin was registered. The clinical-pathological analysis of the structure of bipolar affective disorder in patients with a current depressive episode and risk of suicidal behavior demonstrated prevalence of melancholic and apathoadynamic variants of depression. The patients without the signs of suicidal behavior had asthenoanergic and obsessive variants. The obtained findings can be considered as clinical criteria of diagnosis of risk and antirisk of suicide behavior development at depressive stage of bipolar affective disorder and should be considered at development of therapeutic measures and programs aimed at prevention of autoagressive behavior in these patients.
Key words: bipolar affective disorder, depressive stage, clinical-psychopathological structure, suicidal behavior.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
9 - 13
At present anxiety and depressive disorders are the most common mental disorders in general medical practice. Investigation of mental and sexual spheres of the patients with depression with the purpose to determine the factors of disorders of the general, interpersonal and sexual communication was performed on 45 persons (17 men and 28 women) who referred for treatment and consultation. Some of them were not married. The most common depressive disorder among the investigated men and women was dysthymia (F.34.1 according to ICD-10), which is a rather complex clinical psychopathological phenomenon including depressive neurosis, depressive personality disorder, anxiety. Possible causes of dysthymia development were constitutional character accentuations as well as psychogenic, biological (premorbid burden of organic diseases). The integral indicator of a multidimensional phenomenon of spouse adaptation (level of marital happiness) was not very high in the married men. The obtained data allowed to define performance (adaptability) of the marriage in the investigated married men. It appeared that nonfunctional (73.3%) types of marriage prevailed. The rest were relatively functional. In the majority of cases antagonistic marriage (66.6 %) was present, especially frequent with women with hysterical and asthenoneurotic types of character accentuations. 33.4% of married couples had a negative-supplementing type of marriage. Almost all men and the majority of women with depressive disorders had pathology of general and sexual communication. All components of communication were violated in them.
Key words: sexual disorders, personality orientation, psychosexual types of sexual behavior, depression.
Complex psychodiagnostic, psychopathological investigation of the health state in the families in which women had neurasthenia enabled to establish the existence of two forms of disorders, i.e. primary sexual and primary psychosocial deadaptation. The study was conducted from the perspective of systemic approach considering multidimensionality of the promotion and pared character of sexual function. Comprehensive examination of 66 married couples (psychological, clinical and sociological) was performed. In order to clarify the causes of family adaptation disorders, systemic-structural analysis of family health status, developed by V.V. Kryshtal, was used. Two ways of conflict resolution were observed: competition and avoidance at primary sexual deadaptation and adaptation, competition, avoidance at communicative deadaptation. However, the majority of spouses demonstrated such ways of conflict resolution as avoidance and compromise. The only correct way to resolve the conflict, i.e. cooperation, was observed rarely. Systemic-structural analysis of the state of family performance according its integral criteria revealed disorders of psychological and sociopsychological components, due to the traits in women which caused the negative assessment of their husbands as well as due to mismatched family role positions of the spouses, psychosexual types, the absence of feeling of mutual love. This led to violation of sexual-erotic adaptation of spouses in combination with a low level of awareness in the field sexual life psychohygiene. The core is the damage of the mental component of the biological component of sexual health due to the presence of neurasthenia in women. The obtained information about the family adaptation state at neurasthenia in women should be considered when administering psychotherapeutic correction.
Key words: neurasthenia, women, psychosexual types, marital conflicts, functioning, family health.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
19 - 24
Improvement of mental health, prevention of mental disorders, creation of effective system for medical psychological aid to the patient and his family are the most important tasks of the present-day psychiatry. Bipolar affective disorders are a severe complication of sexual disorders and family health disorders. To investigate the factors of this pathology development in men and women 59 marries couples which referred for psychiatry, sexology and psychotherapy aid were investigated. In all couples bipolar affective disorder was diagnosed either in the man or in the woman after systemic-structural analysis of the family health according to V.V. Kryshtal. Accelerated and often retarded, especially in men, psychosexual development in pre-puberty and puberty resulted in disorders of communication with the representatives of the opposite sex, formation and further consolidation of substitutive and surrogate forms of sexual activity and could be one of the factors of bipolar affective disorder in adulthood. Pathological types of intrafamily relations in the family of the parents largely determined formation of primary sociopsychological deadaptation in the own families at bipolar affective disorder in one of the spouses. Dissonant parental families with perverted children-parents relations, incoordination of the rates of somatosexual and psychosexual development, pathological general and incorrect sexual education affected formation of the personality and gender communication and conditioned development of sexual disorders in the majority of the investigated women and men with bipolar affective disorder.
Key words: bipolar affective disorder, education styles, somato- and psychosexual development, women, men.
Municipal Psychoneurological Hospital No. 2, Donetsk, Ukraine
24 - 29
One hundred and fifty patients were investigated to analyze the clinical presentation of schizophrenia-like disorder resulting form psychoactive substances use. Clinical-psychopathological, history taking, follow-up study, statistical methods were used. In the result of the study it was found that schizophrenia-like disorder resulting from psychoactive substances use was characterized by the following features, distinguishing it from disorders of schizophrenia range of other origin: all patients had a history of drug abuse, syndromes of physical and psychological dependence had been formed; volitional sphere was characterized by narrowing of interests and motivation to use psychoactive substances. Duration of psychotic episode in patients with schizophrenia-like disorder resulting from psychoactive substances use, made up from several hours up to one month; episodic, unstable-progressive course, addictive personality defect, antisocial behavior in the period of productive psychotic signs, and in the period of remission were observed. Productive psychotic signs were frequently combined with affective (according to the psychoactive substances used) consisted mainly of visual true hallucinations with extraprojection; disorders of thinking were isolated, were characterized by a rapid reduction. The revealed features were used to develop an algorithm of differential diagnosis and differential-diagnosis principles of schizophrenia-like disorder resulting from psychoactive substances use.
Key words: schizophrenia-like disorder, psychoactive drugs, abnormal psychology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential principles.
Municipal Psychoneurological Hospital No. 2, Donetsk, Ukraine
29 - 35
Increase of depression incidence has been observed recently in different countries of the world including Ukraine. This analysis of predictors of reputed episode of recurrent depressive disorder and simulation of their syndromogenesis, syndromokinesis and syndromotaxis involved 100 patients. Clinical-psychopathological, psychodiagnostic methods as well as disease and follow-up history investigation were used. The investigation revealed temporal and seasonal dependence of repeated episodes of recurrent depressive disorder. The presence of precursors (predictors) of recurrent depressive episode in the prodromal period, the existence of which can help improve the timely diagnosis of recurrent depressive disorder and to build a specific system of prevention, focused on preventing an expanded clinical picture of the disease, was revealed. Six categories of precursors of repeated episode of recurrent depressive disorder were distinguished depending on the manifestations and the sphere of the disorders: affective precursors (positive and negative affect), thinking disorders (quantitative and ideational precursors), somatic precursors (vegetative, endocrine), impairment of volition, cognitive predictors, perception disorder (psychosensory, hyperesthesia, senestopathic predictors). Six clinical variants of the prodromal period of repeated episode of recurrent depressive disorder were described: psychathenia-like, affective, interoceptive, hypopathohypobulic, psychovegetative, depersonalization-derealization. Early diagnosis and timely revealing of depression can promote control of a full-fledged depressive episode.
Key words: recurrent depressive disorder, depression, predictors of repeated depressive episode, psychopathology, model of syndromogenesis, syndromokinesis and syndromotaxis.
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education 36 - 40
The problem of treatment-resistant depression is very urgent at present as 40-60% of cases of depressive symptoms demonstrate stability to treatment, leading to a significant reduction in quality of life, increasing the period of disability and often causes sustained reductions of social functioning. This study was performed to establish the patterns of treatment-resistant depression pathomorphism. Two hundred medical records of patients with depressive disorders and phenomena of resistance to therapy were analyzed retrospectively. Specially designed analytical maps for treatment-resistant depression pathomorphism were used. The most significant factors of treatment-resistant depression appeared to be a young age (20-29 years), the tendency to recurrence, increased length of depressive episodes and severity of depressive symptoms, prevalence of atypical forms of depressive disorders, combination of treatment-resistant depression with comorbid pathology, significant reduction in the quality of life (partial or complete remission or absence of remission). The analysis of medical records of the patients with treatment-resistant depression showed pathomorphism existence at the clinical and therapeutic levels. The indicators of clinical pathomorphism change in nosological structure, clinic, dynamics and psychopathological phenomenology of treatment-resistant depressive disorders. Prior to the therapeutic pathomorphism, it includes the new generation of psychotropic drugs, increasing segment of psychotherapy in complex models of overcoming treatment-resistant depressive symptoms.
Key words: treatment-resistant depression, pathomorphism, clinic, therapy.
Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical Social Problems of Disability, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk
41 - 45
Arterial hypertension is presented from the perspective of psychocardiology, when the whole spectrum of cooperation of mental disorders, functional cardiac symptom-complexes and cardiovascular complications including those aggravating somatic state of patients abnormal psychopathological manifestations, is examined. Along with clinical direction of psychocardiology, including the study of the structure of comorbid correlations of mental and cardiovascular disorders, psychological (internal picture of the disease, pathological behavior in the disease, mechanisms of psychological defense) as well as epidemiology aspects of the problem, prevalence of mental pathology in cardiologic patients are considered an important object of the research. The approaches of nonsystem (unilinear), systemic concepts and homoeostatic theories (psychoanalytical, characteriologically oriented, psychophysiological, homeostatic, theory of development and objective relations, general theory of systems, self-regulation principles and bioreverse connection) are presented in a historical aspect. Existing now psychosomatic and physiological theories of arterial hypertension progress are presented. It is shown that the structure of psychosomatic diseases can be presented as a continuum in which psychical diseases predominate on one of the poles, somatic pathology is on the other.
Key words: arterial hypertension, psychocardiology, psychosomatic and physiological theories.
M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University
45 - 48
One thousand four hundred persons of internal affairs agencies staff in Donetsk region were investigated to reveal and systematize the influence of definite sociopsychological factors on the changes of personality semantic self-esteem of militia staff. Questionnaire of degree of psychopathological signs (SCL-90-R), Personality (semantic) differential, Social frustration level were used. The influence of social and psychological factors on the structure of personal self-esteem of internal affairs agencies staff with violations of psychological adaptation and healthy adapted ones was investigated. Differences in the structure of social and psychological frustrators connected with personal self-esteem in healthy persons, and respondents with mental adaptation disorders were determined. Gender peculiarities of the revealed connections were investigated. Mathematical analysis of the findings of experimental psychological investigation of the representative group was used to prove that the structure of frustrators influencing personality self-esteem had pronounced gender specificity. In a state of partial psychological deadaptation the level of personal self-esteem of men is affected by the frustrators directly related to the service activity, while in women psychosocial frustrators almost entirely lose their influence on the level of personal self-esteem. In men with psychosomatic diseases, personal self-esteem decreases under the influence of service and material and domestic frustrating factors, and in women under the influence of domestic frustrators.
Key words: semantic self-esteem, social-psychological frustration, personal characteristics, psychological disadaptation, internal affairs agencies staff.
Kharkiv Regional Clinical Narcological Hospital
V.N. Karasin Kharkiv National University 49 - 54
Addictive behavior was studied in 85 employees of non-state enterprises with experience of substance use. Complex assessment of addictive status of the individual and the population using the AUDIT-like method and Index of Urgent Addiction by O.L. Shibko were used. The findings demonstrated that urgent addiction is very common among the employees of non-state enterprises, who use psychoactive substances intensively but have no signs of addiction. Addictive behavior was detected in 45.88 % of the tested subjects, exclusively in persons engaged in production activities, oriented to personal achievement of high results (marketing and sales managers, financial analytics), predominantly in men of the late adulthood (41-55 years) and women of the middle adulthood (26-40 years). The highest frequency of urgent addiction occurred in the male managers (p<0.01). Emotional problems in the form of depression and anxiety are more expressed in the group of men and women whose urgent addiction is characterized as moderate and strong, in comparison with men and women with weak addiction (differences are statistically significant). The obtained findings allow to conclude that male managers with moderate and strong values ??of Index of Urgent Addiction (gaining 35 - 50 and > 50 points by the combined scales) and who use psychoactive substances extensively (8-15 points by AUDIT-like screening tests), are the most unfavorable group according to the degree of depression and anxiety signs.
Key words: urgent addiction, prenosological patterns of use of psychoactive substances, depression.
SI Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine
54 - 61
Depressive disorders are an important psychopathological factor promoting suicide behavior development. Considering significant differences in suicide activity in the persons with endogenous and exogenous depressions, the question of differential diagnosis of depressive states of different origin is urgent. Clinical-psychopathological investigation of 90 patients was performed to study clinical-psychopathological and pathopsychological peculiarities of patients with exogenous (F 43) or endogenous (F 32-33) depressive disorders who committed suicidal attempts with the purpose to use the revealed peculiarities as additional markers of differential diagnosis of the pathological states. The data of the life and disease history stated by the patient, relatives or entourage were investigated using clinical methods. Dynamic observation of the patient was performed, his mental state was assessed. The psychodiagnostic investigation consisted of Hamilton Depression Rate Scale, Zung Scale of Self Estimation of Depression, Spilberger-Hanin Scale of Trait and State Anxiety, Method of Diagnosis of Dissembled Suicidal Intentions in patients with mental disorders. This complex investigation of the patients who committed uncompleted suicidal attempts allowed to distinguish predictors of suicidal behavior formation which can be used as additional markers for differential diagnostic of acrogenous (F 43) endogenous (F 32-33) depressive disorders.
Key words: suicidal attempts, markers of differential diagnosis, exogenous depression, endogenous depression.
Institute of Health of Children and Adolescents of the NAMS, Kharkiv
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education 62 - 67
Mental disorders in adolescents with obesity aggravate the effect of drug therapy, therefore updated programs of their treatment are based on multidisciplinary approaches and stipulate psychologists participation. One hundred and seventeen patients and their mothers were examined to determine the targets of psychological correction and to work out the model of medical psychological management of the adolescents with obesity. The psychodiagnostic complex included the methods of investigation of cognitive functions and the emotional sphere. The findings of the research demonstrated aggravation of attention, mild mnestic disorders, increased anxiety and depression in the patients. It was determined that higher values of external and emotiogenic nutritional behavior of the adolescents correlated with lower values of the quality of life. Higher level of depression was noted in the mothers of the adolescents with obesity when compared with the mothers of the children with a normal weight. The targets of psychocorrection effect were determined. The stages of medical psychological management at in-patient treatment were described. The work with the parents of the adolescents with obesity engaging the family resource to promote compliance strengthening is described.
Key words: adolescents, obesity, psychological management.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
68 - 73
Development of effective methods for diagnosis and correction of family deadaptation and their introduction to clinical proactive are an urgent issue of medical psychology and sexology. Married couples with emotionally unstable type of personality disorder in women were investigated. Two groups of marries couples were distinguished: couples with primary sexual dysfunction and primary sociopsychological deadaptation. The study was performed from the perspective of systemic approach considering multidimensionality of promotion and paired character of the sexual function. In accordance with this, comprehensive investigation of the spouses (special sexology, psychology, clinical and sociological) was performed. The causes of disorders of family performance, family adaptation of the married couples were determined using systemic structural analysis of the state of sexual health developed by V.V. Krystal. Systemic structural analysis of the family health, sexual health, by its integral criteria, demonstrated disorder of psychological and sociopsychological components resulting from the mismatch family role positions of the spouses and prevailing motivation, as well as absence of feeling of mutual love. Disorders of family performance, the level of family adaptation due to the presence of pathocharacterological characteristics in women with emotionally unstable personality disorder were also associated with mismatch of psychosexual types of the spouses, negative attitude of the children to the mother, father or both parents. The obtained findings can be used in psychotherapeutic correction of family deadaptation.
Key words: emotionally unstable personality disorder, women, family adaptation, family performance, children.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
74 - 80
This empirical investigation of individual psychological characteristics of students with additive behavior involved 320 persons. Using AUDIT technique, as well as qualitative and quantitative risk criteria of addiction (ICD-10 and DSM-IV-R) the main sample was divided into two groups (without consequences and with consequences), which manifested their differences more accurately. It was noted that according to the main indicators of addictive behavior, i.e. manifestations of substance use (AUDIT-like tests) and its symptoms (performance of the proposed diagnostic chart) as well as by ten indicators of the battery of psychodiagnostic complex, the investigated groups of the students showed a significant difference. These important circumstances allowed to recognize as valid the preselected criterion of distinction of the total sample of students and to continue the differential diagnosis of the specified features followed by development of appropriate programs of psychoprevention of addictive behavior in the students. The investigation determined sociopsychological and demographic characteristics of the student population with the signs of addictive behavior as well as found the targets of its psychoprevention. In the students with addictive behavior with negative consequences, psychopreventive interventions should contain the information about the family relations, references to the gender, age and place of residence of the participants of psychopreventive programs, cognitive restructuring, which should be directed to anosognosia, exaggeration and installation of quality of compliance with the respondent.
Key words: addictive behavior, addiction, substance use, students.
Ukrainian State Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability, Ministry of Health of Ukraine
81 - 83
Psychopedagogical correction included in individual programs of rehabilitation of disables persons consisting of a number of sections was developed and tested for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. "Consultation" section contains psychological diagnosis of personality traits and emotional aspects, passive and active defense mechanisms, types of responses to disease, quality of life and restriction of vital activity. "Psychopedagogical diagnosis" section contains assessment of the ability of patients to family and social life, labor, and willingness to psychological and pedagogical correction. "Psychopedagogical patronage" section foresees investigation of the dynamics of neuropsychological adaptation, level of loneliness and social frustration, personal and reactive anxiety, depression, and personality traits. Psychological correction involves potentiating and indirect psychotherapy, autotraining with diaphragmatic breathing exercises. Pedagogical correction identifies potential professional capabilities of the patients, retraining or upgrading their qualification, rehabilitation of the professional skills in view of medical contraindications. It is recommended to carry out the rehabilitation program in the clinics of institutes, specialized rehabilitation centers, asthma schools. Psychological correction should be applied both to the disabled persons for their effective rehabilitation and those with partial work capacity to prevent the onset of disability.
Key words: psychological correction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rehabilitation program.
O.F. Maltsev Poltava Regional Clinical Psychiatry Hospital
84 - 87
Constant growth of the number of suicide attempts stimulated creation of the national programs of prevention of autoagressive behavior in different countries. Special attention should be paid to children and adolescents maximally prone to such behavior. To determine the role of contextual factors in development of autoagressive behavior 100 adolescents aged 14-17 with mixed disorders of conduct and emotions (ICD-10 F 92) were investigated. A half of them had the signs of autoagressive behavior in the form of suicidal thoughts, plans, intentions, decisions of the history of or suicide attempt. Complex investigation of the patients included clinical psychopathological and psychopreventive investigation. Analysis and synthesis of the results allowed to select psychological factors in the origin of autoagressive behavior in adolescents, which were divided into intra- and interpsyhological. Intrapsyhological factors of autoagressive behavior included dysfunctional family conflict, destructive education (emotional rejection, hyper- or hypoprotection), problems at school and in collaboration with the peers and in the area of gender communication. Interpsyhological predictors of adolescent's autoagressive behavior were the presence of accented instability, hyperthermia, schizoid behavior, either isolated or connected wit hysteroid one; severe aggressive manifestations such as negativity, suspicion, resentment and guilt; prevalence of coping strategies of escape (avoidance, finding social support or confrontation). The obtained findings were used to develop the measures of psychocorrection and psychoprevention of autoagressive behavior in adolescents.
Key words: psychological predictors, autoagressive behavior, adolescents.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
88 - 93
Genital endometriosis is an urgent issue of gynecology. This disease, especially with pain syndrome, causes psychosomatic disorders and neurosis states in women. Medical psychological aid to these patients considered the rehabilitation potential of their families. Comparative analysis with the married couples in which women had acute inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system was performed to investigate spouse interaction of the patients with genital endometriosis. The differences between the couples were established in the structure of the wife's love to the husband (according to R. Sternberg), type of satisfaction with the marriage (according to V.V. Stolin), social type of the family (according to T.B. Dmitrieva, B.S. Polozhin). Systemic structural analysis according to V.V. Kryshtal demonstrated different in the time of origin, mechanisms of development, clinical manifestations variants of spouse interaction disorders observed in wives with genital endometriosis (sociopsycholohgical and biological). The obtained data formed the basis for development of programs for treatment and prevention of this disease.
Key words: disorders of spousal interaction, genital endometriosis, women.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
93 - 98
Mechanisms of development of health disorders, family performance, marital and partnership deadaptation in the families with excretory-toxic and secretory infertility in men were investigated using systemic approach to studying of performance and typology of marriage, personality features, types of education sexual behavior motivations, types of marriage structure of disorders of interpersonal and partnership communication with the purpose to develop a system of medical psychological management of therapeutic rehabilitation process in this pathology. The study involved the men with inflammatory diseases, excretory-toxic and secretory infertility. The state of the family functions and the degree of disorders were determined using the questionnaire of V.V. Krystal, I.A. Semenkina, character accentuation by K.Leongard-G.Shmishek, motivation of sexual behavior by V.V. Krystal, typology of marriage was determined using the classification of V.V. Krystal, V.Z. Kuzmenko. The performed research allowed to establish that in the marital (partnership) couples the men with excretory-toxic, secretory infertility demonstrated deadaptation models of formation of sexual behavior, disharmonious personality features and models of education in the parent families, disharmonious or pseudoharmonious types of marriage. The obtained findings can be used to develop the programs of psychological correction of performance disorders in the family in which the man has infertility.
Key words: excretory-toxic, secretory infertility in men, personality traits, sexual motivation, types of education, family functions, types of marriage, sexual behavior.
Zaporizhzhia Regional Dermatovenereology Clinical Hospital
99 - 102
Acute or chronic stress situations, prolonged nervous overstrain can provoke dermatosis development meanwhile skin eruptions can be psychoemotional changes of the personality, thus forming pathologically vicious circle which can be broken only by psychocorrection. One hundred and one patients aged 45-64 and 197 healthy subjects were included in the study with the purpose to determine psychological characteristics of elderly men with psoriasis and to develop a method to treat them using Schultz autogenic training. Severity of psoriasis was graded using PASI scale. Anxiety level was determined by Spielberg-Hanin scale, neurotization level by Wasserman's scale, depression level by Beck's scale. The quality of life was assessed using the Ukrainian version of DLQI questionnaire. Significantly higher level of trait and state anxiety, neurotization and depression was determined in patients with psoriasis vs. the healthy men, which required the respective correction. The use of autogenic training by Schultz in combination with the basic therapy of psoriasis improved the clinical picture of the disease, which manifested in lower PASI index when compared with the groups of the patients before treatment and after the basic therapy without psychological training. Autogenic training by Schulz contributed to correction of psychological changes in patients with psoriasis. After the treatment the patients who practiced autogenic training showed significantly lower levels of state anxiety, neurotization and depression in comparison with the patients before treatment as well as with the group of the patients after the basic therapy. The further research can be aimed at investigation of the treatment efficacy in patients with other chronic skin diseases using autogenic trading by Schulz in combination with the basic therapy.
Key words: psoriasis, treatment, autogenous training.
Regional Narcology Hospital, Kharkiv
103 - 107
Triggering the cascade of pathological changes in the vital activity of the organs and systems due to excessive amount of ethanol, alcoholism occupies a special place among mental pathologies. This results in nonspecific adaptation syndrome manifesting by reactions of stress, activation and training. This investigation involving 77 men aged 21-50 with alcohol withdrawal syndrome was performed with the purpose to determine the level of catecholamines, serotonin, parameters of free-radical oxidation and antioxidant enzymes in patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, depending on the level of nonspecific adaptive reactions. Scale CIWA-Ar was used for identification and interpretation of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Intensity and structure of pathological addiction to alcohol was assessed using N.V. Cherednychenko-V.B. Altschuler glossary. The level of adaptive reactions was determined by the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes (L.H. Harkavy et al.). All patients irrespective of the level of adaptation reactions demonstrated reduction of daily urine dopamine and adrenalin excretion as well as normal amount of dioxyphenyl alanine. Blood serum serotonin level was significantly decreased in patients with adaptive training reaction vs. stress reaction, which clinically manifested by more severe signs of depression. Intensification of free-radical oxidation of both protein and lipid structures was noticed. Our findings suggest that alcohol withdrawal syndrome is significantly more frequently formed against a background of nonspecific adaptive reaction to stress. Reactions of stress and activation are formed in case of pronounced disorders of catecholamine metabolism, i.e. stress implementing mediators, while training reaction - against a background of acquired deficiency of the serotoninergic system, i.e. deficiency of stress limiting hormone. The organism forms the state of oxidative stress manifesting by severe and/or poorly controlled oxidative destruction of proteins and activation of glutathione peroxidase. The products of free-radical oxidation are least efficiently utilized in adaptive reaction of training. Our results may be used as the theoretical foundation for implementation of individualized pathogenetic therapy.
Key words: alcohol withdrawal syndrome, nonspecific adaptive response, catecholamines, serotonin, free radical oxidation, antioxidant enzymes.
S.I. Georgiyevskiy Crimean State Medical University
Products of protein and lipid oxidation in acute alcohol intoxication and alcohol addiction syndrome
108 - 110
Experimental investigations have shown that even short-term alcohol abuse is accompanied by neuron death due to oxidative cellular stress. The level of protein oxidation was analyzed by carbonyl derivatives and malonic dialdehyde as markers of oxidant stress in the blood plasma of the patients with acute alcohol intoxication and alcohol addiction syndrome. The investigation was done using clinical psychopathological and biochemical methods. E.E. Dubinina et al. method was used to analyze the level of carbonyl derivatives, M. Mihara et al. method was used to analyze malonic dialdehyde amount. It was determined that in alcoholism the damage of protein structures due to oxidant stress was more pronounced than lipid ones. The indicators of carbonyl derivatives and levels of malonic dialdehyde in the blood plasma in patients with alcohol addiction syndrome were significantly higher than in acute intoxication. Since the criteria for differences are significant (p <0.05) when compared with the indicators of acute intoxication and syndrome of dependence of carbonyl derivatives and malonic dialdehyde, the both values can be used as predictors of alcoholism course.
Key words: protein oxidation, malonic dialdehyde, oxidative stress, alcoholism.
S.I. Georgiyevskiy Crimean State Medical University
Kharkiv National Medical University 111 - 116
Cerebrovascular pathology is one of the major health problems being the third leading cause of death and a major cause of disability in the population of many countries. Cognitive disorders of vascular origin have been reported in 30-70 % of stroke patients with 4-12 times increased risk of dementia. Identification of predementia cognitive disorders of vascular origin is extremely important from a practical point of view, because at this stage of cerebrovascular insufficiency therapeutic measures can be most effective. The indicators of cognitive disorders were analyzed using nonparametric statistical methods in patients with cognitive disorder and dementia due to cerebrovascular diseases. Frontal symptoms and signs progressed with aging in patients with dyscirculatory cognitive disorders. Moderate and strong correlation between the results of all psychometric techniques was revealed. By the highest number of significant differences in the criteria obtained at analysis of variance, the following sequence of priority of the neuropsychological psychometric methods was proposed: 1) MMSE scale, 2) FAB scale, 3) Schulte's table, 4) clock drawing test. The latter can be used as an indicative psychometric procedure demarcating mild and severe cognitive disorder in patients with dementia. It was found out that severity of cognitive disorders in dementia of vascular origin increased in the following order: vascular dementia with acute onset, atherosclerotic and unspecified vascular dementia, multiinfarction, mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia, which are characterized by frontal symptoms and attention disorders.
Key words: cerebrovascular, discirculatory, cognitive disorders, psychometrics, neuropsychology.